Complete Atal Tinkering Lab Set-up

Technosankalp Solutions is the part of “GeM Listed Vendorwith good ratingfor AllATL equipment packages by NITI Aayog (AIM) funded ATL.AtalTinkering lab is a revolutionary platform in the field of science and engineering technology which plays vital role in the foundationstudy of students in schools.

“Technosankalp Solutions” is leading Indian Manufacturer for 3D printers,DIY kits,electronics equipment. The objective of this ATL is to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc. Young children will get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM.

Technosankalp Solutions design customized ATL curriculum, learning resources, activity worksheet, and other web based study materials which is linked with academic ATL Calendar. We help to the schools for all ATL documentations like Atal dashboard, GeM, PFMS and other for industrial tie up with ATL. Company provides resources for all ATL competition, Innovation fair, Inspire award, science exhibition etc.